Jenny Wilker

All my adult life I have been engaged with prints: making etchings and aquatints when my children were small; studying all kinds of prints in museum collections—in New York, Philadelphia, and Paris—during graduate school years; working as an editor at the Print Collectors Newsletter; researching and writing about printmakers and prints, including a dissertation about a series of caricatures by Honoré Daumier; cataloguing thousands of French prints; and most recently teaching the history of prints at OLLI, UNCA’s College for Seniors.  Some of my favorite printmakers are Goya, Daumier, the German Expressionists, and others who use the print for social and political criticism.

Since retirement in Asheville, I have returned to making prints.  And with the onset of the pandemic, I decided to purchase a Takach etching press in order to make some sense out of the lockdown.  One of my obsessive themes—the heroism of Greta Thunberg—is presented here in selected small works in a variety of media.

Asheville Printmakers established 2014

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