Kimberly Obee

Grounded in the process of observational drawing, Kimberly’s sketchbook is the most important tool in her artistic practice. It is where she records details from the world around her. These drawings overflow and inform her work in printmaking and book arts. Botanical studies and plein-air landscape drawings are often paired with poetic blurbs that are recorded off-cuff, and come into full realization when combined with her love of narrative, and book structure.
In her books she explores form in unexpected ways, quite literally, her books expand outward into the personal space of the viewer and challenge preconceived notions of what a book is and can be. This interactive work revolves heavily around research of the subjects she depicts and her efforts to educate viewers. Whether it’s about overlooked wildflowers and weeds or the science behind why the sky is blue, Kimberly draws upon her experiences and memories as avenues of exploration in all her work.
Kimberly holds a BFA in Printmaking from the Hartford Art School (2014) and a MFA in Bookarts from the University of Iowa Center for the Book (2022). She was born and raised in New England, she currently lives in Asheville, NC with her family.
Kimberly is the owner and founder of Wishing Flower Press & Bindery. Find her stationery and book line at Her personal work can be viewed at
Follow her @wishingflowerpess and @kimbertreee.
In her books she explores form in unexpected ways, quite literally, her books expand outward into the personal space of the viewer and challenge preconceived notions of what a book is and can be. This interactive work revolves heavily around research of the subjects she depicts and her efforts to educate viewers. Whether it’s about overlooked wildflowers and weeds or the science behind why the sky is blue, Kimberly draws upon her experiences and memories as avenues of exploration in all her work.
Kimberly holds a BFA in Printmaking from the Hartford Art School (2014) and a MFA in Bookarts from the University of Iowa Center for the Book (2022). She was born and raised in New England, she currently lives in Asheville, NC with her family.
Kimberly is the owner and founder of Wishing Flower Press & Bindery. Find her stationery and book line at Her personal work can be viewed at
Follow her @wishingflowerpess and @kimbertreee.