Maria Epes

I have spent a lifetime practicing art and attended art school for my B.F.A. in Printmaking at Cornell and my M.F.A. in Design and Typography at the California College of the Arts. I taught in the NYU Publishing Program and have presented my work extensively to groups such as the Women’s Caucus for Art.  I am a feminist artist working in the media of printmaking, artists' books, installation, sculpture,  and works on paper. My specific focus is on expressions of the body, in life and in death, with concern for the equality of women and the acceptance of death as part of life. My Wikipedia entry and my website include information on major exhibitions, reviews, publications and affiliations. My preparations for end of life have become my art project to inspire me to actually do them. At this time, I am working on my shroud.

Asheville Printmakers 2014-2024

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